July dates for diary and events that are coming up for your children.
Take a look at our school governors pen portraits
Want to get involved in our Careers Fair?
We would really appreciate 5 minutes of your time to answer a few questions in relation to your thoughts on play
The TEAMS section of our website has been updated with the latest overview letters for Summer 1
Year 3s -
RAD believe that whatever the skill level or budget, all children deserve access to exceptional music tuition.
Thank you for attending the Y6 SATs meeting. It was great to see so many of you at the meeting! Please find the PowerPoint and examples of SATs papers for your reference.
Check out this very important guide to help keep children safe online this Christmas
A sad farewell to our site supervisor
We are pleased to announce that we are introducing a new, more efficient and secure system for reporting your child’s absence, this is called Studybugs.
School website | School App | Facebook | Twitter
Stay healthy on holiday | Enjoy the outdoors but
‘be tick aware’.
We would like to wish Mr Zarac, Mrs Bannister and Ms Smith good luck for their future and thank you for everything that you have done at Hyndburn Park.
We have recently joined Lancashire Children's University, whereby your child will have the opportunity to earn points by attending any voluntary clubs both inside and outside of school
Our Ofsted report has now been published, please take a look.
We are a 'good' school and your children are a credit to you.