Hyndburn Park Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve!

School Curriculum

The curriculum at Hyndburn Park Primary School has been developed and created by children and staff throughout school and is our own exciting, skills based thematic curriculum. It works on a two-year rolling programme (see below - Year A and Year B) and is then organised into half termly themes.

The three key words related to curriculum and referred to whilst carrying out work linked to curriculum are intent, implementation and impact. A simplified definition of each is:

* Intent - what, specifically, children are supposed to learn.
* Implementation - how the school goes about teaching the curriculum.
* Impact - whether children have learnt the things they have been taught and how the school knows.

Through the curriculum, pupils learn about a range of other faiths and cultures.
They understand the importance of tolerance.
ofsted 2022

The rationale behind the design of the curriculum is very much taken from the starting points of children at Hyndburn Park and the experiences they encounter prior to / during their time at the school. They come into school with varying degrees of communication skills, lack of independence, limited use of the English language (high percentage of children who have English as an Additional Language), vocabulary development and a lack of experiences beyond home, school and mosque (in most cases). Therefore, in order to narrow the gap, sessions are practical, level of independence is encouraged from nursery onwards, vocabulary is developed (e.g. word of the day, saying of the week, visual literacy, babble gabble) and the school’s vision and values are interwoven throughout the curriculum. There are also opportunities and experiences threaded throughout the curriculum, ensuring learning is practical, varied and meaningful.

Whilst all key points from the national curriculum are covered, subject leaders have also ensured key aspects that are necessary for the children at Hyndburn Park that may not necessarily be related to specific year groups, road safety, for example, are discussed throughout their time at the school. Recent work carried out by each subject leader has ensured that cross-curricular links are carefully planned for, for example science and PSHRE, science and PE, geography and maths. Given the core purpose of the curriculum i.e. developing children’s skills in English due to their starting points, English is covered in every theme lesson with meaningful links.

Our 'curriculum overview' can be found by reading the 'curriculum overview' document.


Rationales, please click on the links below to access the rationales for each subject. 

Art  |  DT  |  English  |  French  |  Geography  |  History

Mathematics  |  MusicPEPSHRE REScience    


Individual teams' curricula, please click on the below links to take a look on at our long term plans for each Team

EYFS Curriculum   KS1 Curriculum    Lower Key Stage 2 Curriculum  Upper Key Stage 2 Curriculum  


To view our 'Park Pledge,' please take a look on our 'Park Pledge' page.

Two-Year Rolling Programme (Year B 2024-2025 and Year A 2025-2026)

More information

For additional queries related to our curriculum, please contact Ms S Tabsim, Deputy Headteacher and Curriculum Leader.